by Anna Stepko 2706 views Last week we presented the Fallout 3 basic cheats, and as we promised — here is the second part of Fallout 3 cheats. We’re talking about armor today.
This will be the biggest post with Fallout 3 cheats: there’s truly a LOT of codes here. To be precise, 231 items available for usage. They’re ranged by name, so it won’t be hard for you if you’re looking for a certain Fallout 3 cheat code. Armor serves for upgrading your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. level: depending on what Armor suit you choose the certain skill will be upgraded.
These armors can be found and equipped in Fallout 3. Add them to your inventory by opening the command console (~) and type player.additem followed by the item code, the quantity you want and the condition you want it in.
For example, to add one set of Combat Armor in perfect condition, you would type:
player.additem 00020420 1 100
Advanced Radiation Suit 0003307AAll-Purpose Science Suit 000CB605Apocalypse Gladiator Armor 000CB5F6Apocalypse Gladiator Helmet 000CB5F7Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit 00034121/0006C587 Army Power Armor 00061A72Athlete of the Wastes Outfit 000340FBBallcap with Glasses 00028FFABandana 00073D57Biker Goggles 0009B188BirthSkirt 0007CFF0Blast Off Helmet 0007494CBlast Off Pajamas 0005B6EABoogeyman’s Hood 0008F775Brahmin-Skin Outfit 00018DE5Brotherhood of Steel Powered Armor 00075203Brotherhood of Steel Powered Helmet 00075201Brotherhood Power Armor 00075201Brotherhood Power Helmet 00075203Brotherhood Scribe Robe 000854CFButton’s Wig 0008A6DDChild Blastoff Helmet 0007C109Chinese Commando Hat 00078646Chinese Jumpsuit 000340D2Colonel Autumn’s Uniform 0005157ECombat Armor 00020420Combat Helmet 00020426Commando Armor 000CB544Composite Recon Armor 000CB5FAComposite Recon Helmet 000CB5FBCrow’s Eyebot Helmet 000B17A0/000B17A0 Dad’s Wasteland Outfit 00079F09Defender Armor 000CB543Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit 000340D3/000CB603Dirty Pre-War Businesswear 0005C682Dirty Pre-War Casualwear 000340CFDirty Pre-War Kid’s Outfit 000340C4Dirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 0005BB70Dirty Pre-War Relaxedwear 0005BB6FDirty Pre-War Spring Outfit 000340D1/00066C71Doctor Li’s Glasses 0005C9A0Doctor Li’s Outfit 000340DAElder Lyons’ Robe 00087274Enclave Officer Hat 00078647Enclave Officer Uniform 000340DEEnclave Power Armor 00023B62/0004443EEnclave Scientist Outfit 0001B5BDEnclave Shocktrooper Armor 000CB5F3Enclave Shocktrooper Helmet 000CB5F4Environment Suit 000C09D4Eulogy Jones’ Hat 00034126Explorer’s Gear 000CB549Eyebot Helmet 0004E6A0Eyeglasses 000340FDGhoul Mask 0001DC1CGlassesReadingChild 0005DC82Grimy Pre-War Businesswear 000B1056Hand-Me-Down Raider Armor 000CB5FEHandyman Jumpsuit 000BF6FDHat of the People 000CB604Head Wrap 00074296/00074335/00074334/00074336Highway Scar Armor 000CB5FFHockey Mask 00033598Junior Officer Outfit 000340F9Kid’s Ballcap with Glasses 0009B185Kid’s Baseball Cap 000340C1Kid’s Cave Rat Outfit 000340E4Kid’s Murray the Mole Hat 00078643Kid’s Party Hat 00028FF8Kid’s Police Hat 000340E1Lab Technician Outfit 000340D7Leather Armor 00020423/00066C74/0002DC05/00066C72Ledoux’s Hockey Mask 0007401CLesko’s Lab Coat 000C24F9Lincoln’s Hat 0004445BLinden’s Outcast Power Armor 00070877Lucky Shades 000CB54BLyons’ Pride Power Armor 00061A73MacCready’s Helmet 0002D11BMakeshift Gas Mask 000C111AMaple’s Garb 0005A6CAMayor MacCready’s Outfit 000340E7Merc Adventurer Outfit 00034124Merc Charmer Outfit 00034122/000CB606Merc Cruiser Outfit 000C5D34/000CB60BMerc Grunt Outfit 000A3045/000CB60AMerc Troublemaker Outfit 00034123Merc Veteran Outfit 0008C83CMetal Armor 0003307FMetal Helmet 00033080Modified Utility Jumpsuit 0007C17CMotorcycle Helmet 0009B186Mysterious Stranger Hat 0006B467Mysterious Stranger Outfit 0006696DNaughty Nightwear 000C8E07Oasis Druid Hood 0009B18AOasis Exile Hood 000C942DOasis Robe 000340E8Oasis Villager Robe 000340E9Outcast Power Armor 00060C70Outcast Power Helmet 00060C72Outcast Recon Helmet 000645EDParty Hat 00050E44Party HatStanley 000B75E2Pint-Sized Slasher Mask 000340FCPip-Boy 3000 00015038/000236D8Pip-Boy Glove 00025B83Police Hat 000AB491Poplar’s Hood 0005A6CBPower Armor 00014E13/00066C73/00025083Power Helmet 00014C08Power-Suit Armor 000CB60CPre-War Baseball Cap 00028FF9Pre-War Bonnet 000340CDPre-War Casualwear 0001EA6D/000CB60DPre-War Hat 000340C8Pre-War Kid’s Outfit 000340C3Pre-War Outfit and Watch 0008198C/000ABBE2Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 0005BB66/000CB60FPre-War Relaxedwear 0005BB63Pre-War Spring Outfit 000340D0Prototype Medic Power Armor 0007836EPyro Helmet 000CB600Radiation Suit 00033078Ragamuffin Outfit 000340F8Ragamuffin Tophat 00074950Raider Arclight Helmet 00078644Raider Badlands Armor 0003307DRaider Blastmaster Armor 0003307ERaider Blastmaster Helmet 0005B6E8Raider Painspike Armor 0002042FRaider Psycho-Tic Helmet 00020432Raider Sadist Armor 0003307CRaider Wastehound Helmet 00078645Ranger Armor 00023030Ranger Battle Armor 00023030Ranger Battle Helmet 00034105Recon Armor Helmet 00028EADRecon Armor 0003064DRed Racer Jumpsuit 0003411BRed’s Bandana 000340EBRed’s Jumpsuit 000340EARegulator Duster 0003E54ARivet City Security Helmet 000239CBRivet City Security Uniform 000239CCRoad Rascal Leather Armor 000CB5F5RobCo Jumpsuit 0003411ARobo-Thor Helmet 000CB5F8Roving Trader Hat 00078648Roving Trader Outfit 0002B385Scientist Outfit 000340D9Sexy Sleepwear 000340E6Shady Hat 0007C17DSharp-Dressed Raider’s Armor 000CB5FCShellshocked Combat Armor 000CB5EFShellshocked Combat Helmet 000CB5F0Sheriff’s Duster 00020429Sheriff’s Hat 0002DD80Slave Collar 0002F563/0003D1FESleepwear 000CB60EStormchaser Hat 0009B189Sunglasses 0005C99FSurgical Mask 0003E591T-51b Power Armor 000A6F77T-51b Power Helmet 000A6F78Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap 000C72FBTalon Combat Armor 000A6F76/000CB5F2Talon Combat Helmet 000B0278/000CB5F1Talon Company Armor 000A6F76Tenpenny Security Helmet 0005B6EBTenpenny Security Uniform 00034119Tenpenny’s Suit 00096CB7Tesla Armor 0006B464/0008F571 Tesla Helmet 0006B465The AntAgonizer’s Costume 0003411DThe AntAgonizer’s Helmet 0003411FThe Devil’s Pigtails 000CB5FDThe Mechanist’s Costume 0003411EThe Mechanist’s Helmet 00034120The Surgeon’s Lab Coat 000C71E1Three Dog’s Glasses 000ACDA4Three Dog’s Head Wrap 00073FECTinted Reading Glasses 0001C295Torcher’s Mask 000C7C4ETortiseshell Glasses 0005C9A1Tunnel Snake Outfit 0002042E/00061D98Underwear 00089B52Vance’s Longcoat Outfit 00083C5CVault 101 Child’s Jumpsuit 000340F2Vault 101 Security Armor 0001CBDDVault 101 Security Helmet 0003411CVault 101 Utility Jumpsuit 000425BAVault 106 Jumpsuit 000B73F2Vault 108 Jumpsuit 000B73F1Vault 112 Jumpsuit 000340EFVault 77 Jumpsuit 000CAFBEVault 87 Jumpsuit 000340EDVault 92 Jumpsuit 000B73F3Vault Lab Uniform 0001CBDCWanderer’s Leather Armor 000C7C54Wasteland Doctor Fatigues 000340FEWasteland Legend Outfit 000CB609Wasteland Scout Hat 00074952Wasteland Scout Uniform 000340FAWasteland Surgeon Outfit 000340FFWasteland Wanderer Outfit 0001BA00
We hope, these Fallout 3 cheats were useful for you! Stay tuned for more cheats next week